• The System

    Posidacious streamlines the communication process between the letting agent (or landlord), the tenant, and any third party (tradespersons for instance) assigned to each issue.

    Detailed below are some of the benefits that our existing clients enjoy by effectively using the Posidacious system.

  • Benefits

    Maintenance Management

    Posidacious has been created to provide a clear and consistent process of maintenance management.

    The process is supported by the creation of a Log that is subsequently updated with relevant actions; from the initial report, through to its satisfactory resolution. The Log is accessible by all involved parties, i.e. the letting agent, the tenant, and any tradesperson assigned responsibility.

    Streamlining Communication

    Communication via this centralised platform encourages information sharing to enable efficient issue resolution.

    This is facilitated by supporting both text and image updates which are added to the Log by any of the involved users, notification of which is then sent by email to the other users.

    Eliminating Mistakes

    The system is readily available, meaning that all users have full visibility of every Log from the point of its creation. Coupled with data validation tools and Log resolution rules.

    Posidacious is effective at:

    • Eliminating occurences of lost or mislaid notes
    • Reducing errors caused by misheard messages
    • Eradicating poor communication of the facts relating to the issue
    • Preventing issues from being left unresolved for unacceptable lengths of time
    • Ensuring consistent data is recorded for each Log
    • Enabling visibility and handover of responsibility between users (i.e. in the case of sickness/holiday cover)
    • Ensuring that all users within an agency are adhering to the same procedures
    • Providing transparency which helps to reduce confusion and animosity

    Record Keeping

    Keeping records in a precise, time-stamped fashion, shows all concerned parties an accurate history of each Log and it's current status.

    Leglislation has improved things for those living in rented accommodation over the last few years. Posidacious helps this process of improvement by keeping clear records.

    If something does go wrong, having the relevent information available in one place relating to each maintenance issue is extremely important.

    The system can also help with the process of deposit returns. So long as a Log is created prior to the end of a tenancy, the outgoing tenant will still have access after their tenancy has ended. The new tenant meanwhile, will not have visibility of the Log.

    Note: The system is built using modern technologies with backups of all data taken several times a day.
  • Pricing

    The Posidacious system is priced as a subscription fee, payable monthly, quarterly or annually. The first three months are considered a free trial. During this period, we are always on hand to help by phone or email. In most cases, we set aside sufficient time to be with you in person while you get the system working for you.

    For an inexpensive fee, we have a team who can set up your properties and tenants for you.

    Subscription pricing starts at £75 per month per site*

    • Up to 500 users
    • £75
    • United Kingdom
    • Unlimited Logs
    • Unlimited
    • From £Ask
    • United Kingdom
    • Unlimited

    If you need clarification, feel free to ask via our Contact page and we'll be happy to get back to you.

    Per site explanation: Each office of a given company is usually considered a 'site'. This would normally follow geographical locations. Office A might be in one area and a second satellite office in another area. Each office would be considered a 'site'. Please feel free to get in touch if you have multiple sites as discount rates can be considered.

    A note on users: Where we say users, we are in reality talking about the number of tenants you have on your system. Since contractors could potentially be working for more than one agency, we don't count them in the allocation. Additionally, we do not count members of staff. So, if you have 100 properties, each with one tenant in it, then you would fall into the default subscription price.

    Additionally, if your properties are normal residential properties (i.e. not HMO's of some sort) then we will be more likely to price your subscription on the number of properties (even if there were more than one tenant registered on the system such as in the case of a couple).

    For agents and landlords who rent out HMO properties such as for students or worker house shares, we need to consider that each tenant would need to be signing in to the system. Therefore, 150 student properties with an average of 5 students in each would mean 750 users.

  • The Future

    The future of Posidacious is about Apps. We can see that tenants of rented accommodation are very likely to use an App to report on maintenance.

    Everyone is more connected to friends, family, work colleagues and anyone they come into contact with. So, even while away from their homes or work place, our clients and their tenants are using mobile devices. Mobile Apps therefore are the obvious next step.

    We see the system growing to become a central point of help to anyone who has a maintenance issue to deal with. Future systems will likely provide general help pages on how to deal with specific issues (such as condensation).

    The system will expand to provide more information and reports to help analyse data.

    Expansion modules will also feature such as key management.

  • Inspiration

    Richard Branson: "I learned very early on in life that business is simply coming up with an idea that makes other people's lives better."

    At Posidacious we like to think we are doing that.